Pray Naperville

An opportunity for christians across the community to come together in prayer, Pray Naperville has one vision:

Uniting the whole body of Christ together to worship God and pray for the City of Naperville.

They accomplish this mission through…

  • citywide worship and prayer gatherings in the summer & winter
  • on-going prayer gatherings at Keystone Prayer sites
  • pastoral and fellowship prayer gatherings
  • network luncheons
  • prayer initiatives
  • prayer resources

This is a movement coursing through Naperville’s veins. A movement that brings churches together, uniting in their faith in Christ. It is a movement that hopes to bring about change in the city.

Pray Naperville is just one of many movements happening in the city. Through their events, christians from many congregations come together to make a difference in their community.

To learn more about Pray Naperville, click here.